Ponyhair Facial Brush
€ 17,00Accessory for facial care Brush with handle and oval head, made of precious Burmese Teak wood, naturally water-repellent, and ponyhair bristles. Particularly suitable for facial… -
Goat Hair Facial Brush
€ 25,00Accessory for facial care Facial brush with handle and rounded rectangular head, made of European beech wood and goat hair bristles. -
Mushroom Face Brush
€ 11,00Accessory for facial care Cylindrical face brush with rounded head and ergonomic concave groove, with handle made of European beech wood and natural pig hair… -
Fan Face Brush
€ 12,00Accessory for facial care Rectangular face brush with rounded head and ergonomic groove, made of European beech wood and horsehair bristles. It is particularly suitable… -
Tampico and Copper Body Brush
€ 35,00Accessory for body care Golden Beauty body brush for dry brushing with Copper and Tampico bristles. Anti-cellulite. -
Body Brush in Tampico
€ 25,00Accessory for body care Dry body brush in natural bristles from Tampico Golden Beauty to combat the appearance of cellulite and water retention. Improves circulation…
Progetto realizzato con il contributo della CCIAA di Foggia - Anno 2022 codice CUP I79J22003240003 COR 10127667